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HomeWorld NewsA Better Future for Ukraine and Its Partners

A Better Future for Ukraine and Its Partners

NATO leaders gathered in Vilnius, Lithuania in early July 2023, for a historic summit to agree on steps to further strengthen the alliance’s deterrence and defense, as well as its continued support for Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s ongoing invasion. Security arrangements will be vital to the recovery of Ukraine, and the outcomes from this meeting play a significant role in shaping Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts.

This video includes the proceedings from a RAND National Security Research Division event held on July 17, 2023. Panelists discussed the latest developments from the NATO summit, and look ahead to the post-war reconstruction in Ukraine.

Former President of the World Bank Group Robert Zoellick, former Ukraine Minister of Finance Natalie Jaresko, and former U.S. Ambassador to NATO and Lt. Gen., U.S. Army (Ret.) Douglas Lute joined a panel discussion about reconstruction and security planning in Ukraine. Charles P. Ries, RAND Senior Fellow and former U.S. Ambassador to Greece, moderated the event. Barry Pavel, Vice President and Director, RAND National Security Research Division, provided introductory and closing remarks.

The program began with a brief presentation by RAND researchers Gabrielle Tarini and Howard J. Shatz, co-authors with Ries and the late RAND Senior Fellow Amb. (Ret.) James Dobbins, of the recent report, Reconstructing Ukraine: Creating a Freer, More Prosperous, and Secure Future. The report places Ukraine reconstruction in the context of Europe’s 75-year record of recovery and reintegration and draws relevant lessons from post-war rebuilding efforts in Western Europe after WWII, Central and Eastern Europe after the Cold War, and the Western Balkans after the violent break-up of Yugoslavia.

This report is part of the RAND Corporation Presentation series. RAND presentations may include briefings related to a body of RAND research, videos of congressional testimonies, and a multimedia presentation on a topic or RAND capability. All RAND presentations represent RAND’s commitment to quality and objectivity.

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